Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What Your Dress are Made Off?

Dress with newspaper is not that unique now but with newspaper there are always new ways to play with it. They are able to be in to variety shapes that would make total new look.

Reform or adjust the size of newspaper could also make accessories and special sleeves effects.

Condom dresses in multiple colors.

You may also want to use mix-materials. This little doll dress is made of fabric and book.

Monday, October 8, 2012

All Seasons

Creat you own collar style which can be change every single day. Very easy to make one with felt or wool fabric. You can make it in any color and with different buttons you can also make one that is assymmetrical.

Doggy rings made with clay. This is a cute element that go with everyday casual outfit.

Amazing combaination of tighting belt. Good for all seasons and variety shirt styles. For different occasion you can choose different tights.


Leather and Fur

Love these ice-accessories. Mix color fur has becoming very popular since 2010 and still popular in 2012. Wearing this heavy warm coat, you need accessories to cool down a little bit. Go Fur, Go Stylish!!

Big fur cap with leather tights is very classic style in the winter, but with sneakers which adds more fashion element to it. The ankle sneakers just reach the right place that balance out the lenght of the cap.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Less is More

This is the most exciting dessert I have never seen, and it is original from Fat Duck the best restaurant in the world.White chocolate ball melted to a flower when the hot dark chocolate split on it. This design has been used in apparel as well. It would be very fun to make a "moving garment".

I chose yellow to be the main color of my style. It represent passion but also calm,active but also elegant, eye-catching but also classic. A warm babe duck yellow is just the answer for my goal: Less is More.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Layer Your life

Wrinkles keep the secrets throughout your life. They might be sad might be happen but when day when  you look at these wrinkles on your forehead, you know they are all about happiness.

生就是一场没有终点的旅行 再美好的地方你也只是短暂停留 无论何时你都永远拥有下一站 只要你还想继续前行 可有时候我们必须独自旅行 因为那些坎坷多磨难的路 雕琢了我们的灵魂 时而受伤时而摔倒 但最终路越走越宽 越来越平坦 到了那时人生就成一场充满享受的旅途 无论有没有佳人都无遗憾.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Louis Vuitton Window Display Collection

Rock in Lace

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